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HUN-REN Data Repository Platform

Our activities

Our aim

The HUN-REN Data Repository Platform (HUN-REN ARP) is a new repository infrastructure service that supports the continuous and long-term research data management of the entire HUN-REN research network. The development provides a solution for the secure digital storage, use and reuse of research data as a valuable data asset, as well as its further utilization by the research community and other sectors like the economy.

Another one of our key tasks is to disseminate knowledge about the use of data repositories, to establish the necessary data management policies and regulations both at the HUN-REN and at the institutional level, and to introduce domestic and international data and metadata management and storage standards and recommendations, thus enabling the establishment of FAIR (findable, accessible, interoperable, reusable) data repository culture within HUN-REN's institutional network.

The creation of a state-of-the-art domestic research data storage infrastructure will facilitate Hungary’s involvement in European initiatives with similar objectives such as the pan-European research infrastructure EOSC (European Open Science Cloud) at an institutional, technological, and direct data link level.

The new Data Repository Platform (ARP) will greatly contribute to the achievement of the objectives set out in Hungary's Research, Development, and Innovation Strategy (2021-2030), which include the increased utilization of research results from public research institutions as well as the expansion of the capacity of knowledge flow and production.

The Implementation of the HUN-REN ARP Project

With the support of the HUN-REN HQ the project is implemented by the Institute for Computer Science and Control (SZTAKI), the Centre for Social Sciences (TK) and the Wigner Research Centre for Physics (Wigner FK).

The duration of the project is:
1 Nov 2021 - 31 Dec 2023 (26 months)

The new data repository service is available to users from the beginning of March 2024.

How can I support the initiative?

If you are a researcher or operator and would like to support the implementation of HUN-REN ARP with your experience and expertise, please contact us at @email.