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HUN-REN Data Repository Platform


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ARK (Archival Resource Key) is a type of persistent identifier used by museums, archives, libraries, etc.


Data management plan

A formal document that specifies how data should be handled in research projects.

Data owner

The personal legal representative of a dataset.

Data repository

A datastore that is used to publish and share data packages, usually from different sources.

Data steward

A person who is responsible for maintaining and interpreting data and is familiar with data storage and preservation options and best practices.


A collection of data that can be considered as a single entity from a data management, legal and sharing perspective, meaning that practically all elements of the dataset are subject to the same legal constraints, share common metadata and are shared together.

Derived data

Data that is the result of processing other data, i.e. not primary data. The English term secondary data is more of a statistical term.


DOI (Digital Object Identifier) is a type of persistent identifier that is widely used for scientific publications.

Dublin Core

A generic metadata schema that can be used to describe all things and is therefore very common, ISO Standard 15836-1:2017


FAIR principles

Principles for managing research data to ensure the availability and reproducibility of research results. (Findable, Accessible, Interoperable, Reusable)



General Data Protection Regulation, which governs the processing of personal data relating to natural persons.



The Handle System is a general persistent identification system operated by CNRI. The Handle System also serves DOIs. The persistent identifier registered by the Handle System is called a handle.



Data describing the data. The most common metadata are the name, creator and creation date of the data. Other possible metadata descriptors are usually grouped and defined in schemas. The best known such schema is Dublin Core. The set of metadata for an item is called a metadata record, the structure of which is governed by metadata schemas.

Metadata schema

Standardizing metadata is key to its use. A metadata schema describes the structure of the metadata, what elements can be used in a metadata record, what values they can have, and how it is recommended to fill or publish the metadata.



A formal representation of a set of knowledge that represents the relationship between concepts. The framework of the ontology consists of definitions of classes and properties. For example, in an ontology describing scientific publications, there may be a journal article and a book chapter class, and an author and page number property. An ontology is based on a special form of mathematical logic, descriptive logic.

Open access

Open access means free and unrestricted access to publications and data, including reading, downloading and reuse, with appropriate attribution. It is common to distinguish between gold and green open access, where in the gold case the publisher and in the green case the institution or researcher provides open access.

Open science, Open research

Open Research is a set of principles and practices that aim to make the outputs of research freely accessible and usable, thereby to maximising the possibility of public benefit. It is also characterised by collaboration, transparency and reproducibility.


Persistent identifier

Used for long-term identification of digital objects. The function of a PID is to uniquely identify a digital object globally, and it is also required that the identifier be resolvable (actionable) to a URL. DOI, ORCID, ISBN are known examples of PID services.

Personal data

Personal data are any data that can be associated with a natural person and any inference that can be drawn from the data concerning the data subject.

Primary data (raw data)

Unprocessed data, in the form and with the content they had when they were created.


Traditionally, a chronological list of the owners and storage locations of a historical object. In modern research data management, it describes in as much detail as possible the stages in the life cycle of the data, i.e. how and from what other data it was created, by whom and what transformations were made to it.



A list of digital objects of some type, uniquely identified within the register. Its main purpose is to allow the object to be located, rather than to store the complete data content (unlike a repo store). Typical examples are: domain name register, protocol register, metadata schema register.


A file server for archiving and making scientific material available.

Research data

Research data is any information generated to support research findings. Research data can be created by authors, generated by tools, collected or observed. Research data do not only exist in digital form, but also include paper notes and journals.

Research data management

Research data management or data management plan refers to the creation, storage, access, sharing, reuse, and preservation of research data.

Research Object

A Research Object provides a way to aggregate, package and identify research data on the Internet. It involves describing the data (metadata), documenting the content of the data files and the relationships between them.


Research data package format, in which the whole package and the individual files it contains can be richly described with metadata. This supports FAIR compliance and long-term preservation of research data.