Judit Gárdos sociologist, Head of the Research Documentation Centre (RDC) at the CSS, focuses on issues, barriers and incentives related to the use of scientific data repositories. She both studies and implements the reuse of research data. She works on increasing the visibility of ARP by writing and editing publications, and by putting together the professional program of conferences.
Graduated as a teacher of German language, humanities and sociology, she is a Senior Research Fellow at the Institute of Sociology and Head of the RDC at CSS. After studying at the universities of Budapest, Vienna and Berlin, she received her PhD from the University of Pécs in 2018. She has collaborated in several national (OTKA) and EU-funded research projects, a recent one (Courage -- Connecting Collections) involving the construction of a digital register of cultural resistance under socialism with a H-2020 team. Judit's main research interests involve the sociology and anthropology of science, in particular the explanatory models and strategies used in sociology, which is the subject of her current OTKA postdoctoral project. She is co-founder of the Voices of the 20th Century Archive and Research Group and of the RDC. As a scholar she often analyzes the operations of archives and the phenomenon of open science.