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HUN-REN Data Repository Platform

Kerényi Szabina

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Szabina Kerényi, sociologist, researcher at the Institute of Sociology of CSS, joined the ARP team between 2022 and 2024, where she was responsible for organizational, managerial and administrative tasks.

She graduated in Slavistics at the Faculty of Humanities (2003) and Cultural Anthropology at the Faculty of Social Sciences (2004) of ELTE University, and in Political Science at the Central European University (2003), both in Budapest. She completed her doctoral studies at Masaryk University in the Czech Republic and is currently a PhD candidate in Sociology at ELTE University. She has held visiting fellowships at the Kliment Ohridski University in Sofia, the University of Copenhagen and the European University Institute in Florence. As a researcher, Szabina studies grassroots social movements, in particular environmental movements in the Central and Eastern European region. Her research interests include changing civil societies, political movements, community projects, sustainability issues and the withdrawal of the state in different areas of service provision.

In addition to her research work, Szabina has worked as a project manager of Horizon 2020 projects, including the international collaboration COURAGE, where she had the opportunity to learn about the beauties of database building and archiving.