During the first phase of the ARP project between 2021 and 2023, Dorottya Medgyesi mainly coordinated the development of the information portal, where she was also the content manager, but she also participated in the technical implementation of the needs assessment.
Since 2021, she has been an expert at the Department of Network Security and Internet Technologies of SZTAKI. Previously, she was a research fellow and then a customer support manager at the Government Information Technology Development Agency (formerly the National Institute for Information Infrastructure Development), the operator of the national research and education network. She studied at the Corvinus University of Budapest and spent a semester at the University of Applied Sciences in Oulu, Finland. She has participated in several national and international projects in different roles, mainly focusing on content management, dissemination, service management, coordination and user support. An example of such a project is SLICES-SC, which aims to build a community of researchers around the research ecosystem (infrastructure and services) established under the SLICES-RI programme, to further develop methods to support reproducibility of research and replicability of experiments, and to provide easy access for users from different disciplines. Dorottya is also a core member of the team of the Hungarian Research Network Cloud, which provides the infrastructure basis for ARP, and is involved in the work of HunCERT, a computer security incident management group supported by the Internet Service Providers' Council.