Lilla Barancsuk

Lilla Barancsuk is an assistant research fellow and doctoral student in the Energy Strategy and Environmental Effects research group of the Environmental Physics Laboratory at the HUN-REN Centre for Energy Research. Her area of expertise concerns the impact of weather-dependent renewable electricity production on the power system. In her doctoral research, she focuses on ultra-short-term forecasting of photovoltaic production.
In the ARP Ambassador Program, her goal is to archive data from a Hungarian research project, titled "Ultra-Short-Term Photovoltaic Production Forecasting using Artificial Neural Networks" aiming to ensure adequate power system service quality through short-term forecasting of solar production based on all-sky camera imagery and meteorological measurements. She wants to organize the large amount of image data and numerical measurement data created during the project and secure the storing in the ARP Repository.
As an ambassador, Lilla aims to gain practical experience in data archiving and organization and to support other projects within her institution in research data archiving efforts. In the long term, her goal is to help her institution develop best practices around data management and to promote data management culture and open science.