Between 20-22 April 2022, the HUNGARNET Association, in cooperation with the Ministry for Innovation and the Digital Success Programme, organised the 31st edition of the NETWORKSHOP conference.
On the second day of the event, the ELKH Data Repository Project (ARP) was also represented with several presentations. In addition to the project's objectives and structure, the project participants presented the results achieved so far and the planned developments. The detailed programme of the ELKH ARP session, the presentations, and related slides are available on the event's page.
Péter Kacsuk (SZTAKI) said that thanks to the ELKH Data Repository Project, Hungarian researchers will have the necessary hardware and software infrastructure for FAIR data management, will be familiar with its use and will be able to integrate FAIR data management into their research workflows and actively use it. The goal of FAIR data management is to create research data that is easy to find and access, facilitates sharing, and is reusable with other data.
László Kovács, Head of the Department of Distributed Systems at SZTAKI, presented the already operational research repository CONCORDA, which is being further developed within the ELKH Data Repository Project after an extensive assessment of the needs of researchers. Among other things, CONCORDA is further developed in order to increase the international visibility of Hungarian data, to facilitate multidisciplinary research and to ensure uniform searchability.
Colleagues from the Centre for Social Sciences presented the first results of the needs assessment that preceded the development. Enikő Meiszterics' presentation showed that secure and well-regulated storage of research data and sharing of data with others are not yet common practices in Hungary. One of the important goals of the ELKH ARP is to contribute to the data-related goals of the open science movement by shaping the research culture.