Róza Vajda is a staff member at the Research Documentation Centre (RDC) of the CSS, responsible for collections management. She is the editor of the ARP website and produces various information materials on the project. She also collects and evaluates the experience of national and international researchers and research networks in data management and repository use.
She was a student of English, Spanish and Anthropology at ELTE, graduating in 1995. She received her MA in Sociology from the New School for Social Research in New York in 2001. As a researcher, she is interested in social relations defined by ethnicity and gender, minority politics, social movements, as well as the history of Hungarian sociology and, lately, the analytical possibilities and directions offered by digitalization.
At the RDC, she is responsible for the development, maintenance and accessibility of the digital collections of the 20th Voices of the Century Archive, which collects research materials, especially interviews, of Hungarian sociologists using qualitative methods. The transparency and accessibility of the collections is served by a project launched in 2020 within the framework of the Artifical Intelligence National Laboratory (MILAB), in which the RDC, in cooperation with SZTAKI, has experimented with NLP-based methods to facilitate the searchability of the entire interview dataset. The project involved the creation of a vocabulary for mapping the contents of the collections, and in this way Róza and her colleagues joined the ELSST (European Language Social Science Thesaurus) project of CESSDA (Consortium of European Social Science Data Archives). As a result, the international social science thesaurus is now available in Hungarian as well. Róza has been involved in all these research and development processes and serves as the contact person for updates to the ELSST dictionary.