Wastewater-impacted streams within an agricultural catchment: Occurrence, attenuation, and risks of organic micropollutants
Zita Zrínyi, Nikoletta Kovács, Renáta Gerencsér-Berta, Ildikó Galambos, Barbara Kovács, Tamás Kucserka, István Gábor Hatvani, Anna Viktória Vancsik, László Bauer, Lili Szabó et al.
The occurrence, attenuation factors, and risks of 31 organic micropollutants (OMPs), including pharmaceutically active compounds (PhACs), pesticides, and bisphenols were investigated in the transboundary catchment of the lower River Mur. Water samples were collected monthly for one year from the river and its small, wastewater-impacted tributaries in two Central European countries, Croatia and Hungary. The analysis showed that the most polluted streams for PhACs, as well as the herbicides and neonicotinoids studied, were the smallest tributaries on the Hungarian side.